Soil: 32,430 results found.
Soil Society
Soil Society - a Swedish Mongolian Culture Association är en ideell förening som fungerar som plattform för konstnärliga samarbeten mellan våra båda länder.
Soil Society initierades år 2003. Styrelsen och den ideella föreningens medlemmar finns både i Sverige i Mongoliet och välkomnar alla intresserade.
Soil betyder kultur på mongoliska och jordmån - grogrund på engelska. ~
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Crystal Soil
Take a look around to learn about the unique advantages 4D CRYSTAL SOIL can add to your indoor gardening world. There are exciting and unlimited possibilities about what this product can bring to you.4D Crystal soil has been developed as decorative product which is popular using indoor plants and for decorative purposes. It's made from water absorbent polymer which can absorb up to 200 times of its weight in water. It can store and hold water and nutrition, which is steadily ~
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