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Finnish Lawyer, Finnish Attorney, Solicitor and Advocate international, Finnish Law Specialist in real property, divorce, immigration, business and company law, taxation, custody and family, litigation, penal and criminal law ~
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French Lawyer and Solicitor
French lawyer and solicitor. Fabien Cordiez is a licensed, dual-qualified lawyer, member of the French Bar Association and (non-practising) solicitor, member of the UK Law Society. The Firm is entirely dedicated to helping non-resident customers that need assistance with French Property or inheritance law. We advise clients on all aspects of buying and selling property in France as well as dealing with French Wills and succession planning, and advising on the administration of
French estates. We liaise with French estate agents and notaires on behalf of clients. Our language skills helps to take away the strain and risks of dealing with a foreign language and documents. ~
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SOLICITOR.COM.HK大型香港法律入門網站,是葉謝鄧律師行管理的香港網上法律網站,供市民免費閱讀。律師行的律師擅長香港各類法律事務。法律強項:工傷索償、車禍交通意外傷亡賠償訴訟、替受傷苦主和傷亡意外死者家屬,透過法律爭取人身傷亡的賠償。律師行曾辦過千宗債務重組、IVA、近六千宗破產。律師行設有多個行址:灣仔、荃灣、旺角、元朗,為港九新界區民提供平宜、快捷、實際和專業的法律服務。法律網頁內容還有:離婚、撫養權、贍養費、刑事辯護、保釋、求情、醫療失誤或疏忽、遺產承繼、遺囑、職業病、稅務、資訊科技、電腦罪行、債務重組、IVA、破產、網上犯罪、改名契、知識產權, 智慧產權,版權,電子交易,網址糾紛,電腦犯罪,保安,網上理財。 ~
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