Slickbar - World Leaders in Oil Spill Clean Up and Containment Technology since 1960
Slickbar - World Leaders in Oil Spill Clean Up and Containment Technology since 1960. Slickbar's oil spill products include oil spill booms (for containment), sorbent pads, oil skimmers, oil transfer pumps and above ground storage tanks, corosion control products, and a huge selection of hydraulic power units as well as other hydraulic components including pumps, cylinders, machine coolant systems, motors, filters, couplings and other supplies. Dedicated to preserving the eco-systems of our oceans, rivers, lakes and streams, we are continually researching and developing the latest technology for faster, more efficient oil cleanup systems.
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Löschwasserbarrieren, Rückhaltesystem, Abschottung, Spill-Barrier, Gefahrstofflager, Produktionsstätte
Entwicklung, Optimierung und Herstellung von selbstentwickelten Rückhaltesystemen für Flüssigkeiten - Löschwasserbarrieren, Rückhaltesystem, Abschottung, Spill-Barrier, Gefahrstofflager. Produktionsstätte, Anhamm-Klappschott, Anhamm-Sicherheitsklappschott, Doorway Spill Barrier, Doorway-Spilling Gate, Löschwasserrückhatesysteme, Sicherheits Klappschott, Spillbarrier, Spillgate, Tiefgaragenabschottungen
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