SLEEPER - Starring Scott 'Raven' Levy and Bruce Hopkins
SLEEPER - The chilling story of Adam Resnik, played by Scott 'Raven' Levy, is a Horror Movie filmed in Brisbane, Australia. It also stars Bruce Hopkins, Kym Jackson, Ty Hungerford, Ray Sinclair, Lauren Orrell, Cory Robinson, Adam Fawns, Chris Hillier and Robert Reitano. Directed by Andrew 'Dru' Brown, Produced by Judd Tilyard and Christian McCarty.
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Kevin Allen - Candidate for The Apprentice of Donald Trump on NBC's The Apprentice 2 starring Donald Trump
Official site of Kevin D. Allen, candidate for Apprentice on NBC's The Apprentice 2 starring Donald Trump. Other Apprentice candidates include
Maria Boren, Sandy Ferreira, Andy Litinsky, Ivana Ma, Jennifer Massey, Wes Moss, Kelly Perdew, Chris Russo, Raj Bhakta, Elizabeth Jarosz, Stacy Rotner, John Willenborg,
Pamela Day, Jennifer Crisafulli, Stacie Jones Upchurch, Bradford Cohen, Rob Flanagan. Also starring Donald Trump, Carolyn Kepcher, George Ross, and Robin Himmler.
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DeWitt and Maria The Movie
Suppose a guy could come up with a computer program that would tell him how a girl's brain works. Dewitt Fulbean works day and night to solve this problem. He has a real someone in mind and she lives in the same apartment building. The name on her mailbox is M. Vornellini. Dewitt hasn't gotten past her mailbox. He doesn't want to send premature signals to her brain by doing something rash like, say, starting a conversation.
Dewittandmariamovie.com ~
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