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Graphic front - stirea gf - TEHNICA - - Litera mobila - mecanismul modernitatii
Proiectul Graphic Front dezvolta in paralel o sectiune de arhiva cu materiale grafice interesante din perioada dinante de utilizarea computerului (tipar, panou, ilustratie de carte, fotografii) si o sectiune de articole si recomandari, cu opinii relevante despre prezenta graficii in varii evenimente culturale/sociale contemporane. Proiectul vizeaza profesionistii, locali si internationali, care activeaza in domeniul artelor vizuale sau in domeniile culturale conexe dar si un public extins, care va dezvolta un interes fata de aducerea in contemporaneitate a unui segment neglijat din istoria reprezentarilor grafice din spatiul romanesc. The Graphic Front project expands in two different sections: one that deals with archiving interesting graphic material from the era prior to using computers (print, panel, book illustration, photography) and another that deals with articles and recommendations, of relevant assessments on the presence of graphic design in various contemporary social/cultural events. The project sets its sights on local and international professionals working in the visual arts field or in connected ambits, but also on a more broad public that will foster increasing interest of bringing this neglected segment of Romanian graphic representations into the contemporary spotlight.
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