Felicity Buirski's Official Web Site
Felicity Buirski - Wayfarer - You are the way and the wayfarers
And when one of you falls down he falls for those
Behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone.
Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who,
Though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not
The stumbling stone....... (Kahlil Gibrah
I am a Singer Songwriter, a wayfarer and a searcher after love and understanding of myself and the world in which we live.
I describe my journey in the songs , music and lyrics expressed in my albums through the years of my life.
A number of my songs are on YouTube where you can listen to or download them.
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EPM, S Neurona testing, EPM testing, West Nile virus testing, Neospora testing, Sefacon
EPM, Equine Protozoal Treatment, EPM testing, Sefacon, stumbling, weight loss, muscle loss, foot dragging, hoof dragging, personality changes,
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