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Carol and Steve Show
The Carol and Steve Show first aired on the web starting on 1/1/05. We did 53 episodes that year. One each week!
It's real, authentic and captures moments of our life. The process of filming the episodes enhances our experiences. Having a chance to look at ourselves through video also gives us a chance to see how we act, and choose to change if needed.
These shows started being posted before there was YouTube. Now I'm reposting to share with a wider audience. ~
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EMC Corp: News & Events
EMC provides the technologies and tools that can help you release the power of your information. We can help you design, build, and manage flexible, scalable, and secure information infrastructures. And with these infrastructures, you'll be able to intelligently and efficiently store, protect, and manage your information so that it can be made accessible, searchable, shareable, and, ultimately, actionable. ~
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