Yoonsatom.net - Natural Science Founded on the Yoon's Universal Atomic Model
This new atomic model has a tiny persistent current ring termed atomic orbital electron ring around its nucleus, replacing the Bohr's orbital electron and quantum oscillator. As one knows, this kind of persistent current exists in reality, flowing through a closed circuit of superconductor, giving out only an intensive magnetism but exerting no electric interaction force. This new physics and new chemistry are based on a revolutionarily new atomic model, Yoon's Universal Atomic Model, replacing the traditional atomic models like Bohr's atomic model and quantum oscillator, without relying on quantum theory and relativity theory. In his book, Dr. Hansik Yoon proposes an unprecedentedly revolutionary and new atomic model, Yoon's Universal Atomic Model, which rocks the very foundation of the modern natural science including physics, chemistry, and life science. This new atomic model has a tiny persistent current ring termed atomic orbital electron ring around its nucleus, replacing the Bohr's orbital electron and quantum oscillator. This kind of persistent current exists in reality, flowing through a closed circuit of superconductor, giving out only an intensive magnetism but exerting no electric interaction force. Allegedly it was first found in 1911 by H. Kamerlingh Onnes et al. Dr. Hansik Yoon points out numerous flaws of the modern natural science and also explains seamlessly those controversial subjects from the standpoint of his atomic model. Based upon his new atomic model, Dr. Hansik Yoon also clearly delineates his own views without any inconsistency on such wide range of subjects as electron, atomic structure, nature of light, speed of light, flaw in the dualism of wave-corpuscle, real mechanism of the diffraction and refraction of light, superconductor, atomic energy, real mechanism of the nuclear fission and fusion, X-rays, laser light, real periodicity of elements, chemical bond, structure of water molecules, solubility of salt materials, mechanism of forming crystal, gel crystal, bio-polymer, new model of enzymatic reaction, reaction of enzyme (enzymatic protein), organic carbon compounds, metallic crystal, NMR and IR spectrums, cosmology, origin of elements, and more. You will find more detailed listing in the table of contents of Dr. Hansik Yoon's book ('Natural Science Founded on A New Atomic Model' published in August 2004, Korea, Woon, South Korea ), which is posted in this web site. This new natural science book may be more revolutionary, comprehensive, profound (and the boldest at least presently) than any other scientific books and theories published in decades, if not centuries. One of the major findings in this book, for example, is that the refraction of light is not due to the speed difference of lights propagating in different material systems with different densities, contrary to what we have learned. From this web site (http://www.yoonsatom.net), you can read such articles as 'Introduction', 'Preface', 'Table of Contents', and some 'Excerpt' of Dr. Hansik Yoon's book. If Isaac Newton or Michael Faraday had lived so long until today, perhaps they would have written a text similar to this book, 'Natural Science Founded on A New Atomic Model,' authored by Dr. Hansik Yoon.
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