Body Arts Pilates
Pilates Classes Available - 323-666-4233 - Los Feliz, Echo Park, Silverlake, Hollywood, Atwater, Glendale - 4448 A. Ambrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027 - Pilates, originally called Contrology, is a method of doing a series of exercises performed on the mat or studio equipment: Reformer, cadillac, electric chair, wunda chair, pedipole, and barrels. Pilates teaches students how and where to place their body in static and moving space: Muscles learn to support, place and move bones with correct alignment and breath. The primary focus is on breath, the very deepest abdominal muscles called the transverse abdominals, the hamstrings, and the latisimii. However, it is a whole body workout and new students are often shocked to discover muscles in their bodies they had not been aware of. To support learning in the body, Pilates also invented the foot corrector, magic circle, toe corrector, and various other gadgets. Joseph Hubertus Pilates was born in Germany in 1880 a frail child with asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever.
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