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Frogs Are Green - An organization to raise awareness about the threats frogs face in the world's changing environment. A frog conservation company helping to save frogs from extinction.
An organization and blog to raise awareness about the threats frogs face in the world's changing environment, and to spread the message that healthy frogs mean a healthy planet for all. A frog blog devoted to the latest news about frogs and the environment aross the planet. Frogs are a bio-indicator and can show what is wrong with the environment. Helping people understand what they need to do to go green and stop the pollution, deforestation, over population and building. A disease called chytrid fungus is killing frogs. Susan Newman and Mary Jo Rhodes, environmentalists all of their lives create a platform to reach people, both adults and children, to educate them on what's happening to frogs and how they can save frogs. Through blogging and events, they hope to spread the word and help save frogs from extinction. They have contests which attract people to get involved such as, 2010 kids frog art contest, and the frog photo contest, this year with two categories, backyard frogs and frogs in the wild. We answer questions from readers about frogs, toads, amphibians, the frog-o-sphere, frog conservation, amphibian conservation, kids' art contest, kids' artwork for frog contest, 2010 photo contest. We want to work with teachers and schools to spread the word on saving amphibians. We sell products, tee shirts, wristbands, and posters and the funds help us create free giveaways to promote our cause. Some of our products are 2010 earth day posters, frog concept t shirts, and assorted other frog posters
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Bethany Lutheran Church - Onamia MN
Welcome! We are Bethany Lutheran Church of Onamia, MN a church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Located in Onamia, at the southwest corner of Lake Mille Lacs, Bethany has been a part of the community here for nearly 100 years. We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday, to hear God’s Word, share in the Sacrament and lift up your prayers. Our worship times are 8:00 am and 10:30 am September through May and 9:00 am June through August. We are a community that is Embraced by God, Growing in Faith, and Sent by the Spirit to serve! Come join us!
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