The first time that I was realy impressed by an Affenpinscher was in 1996 when I visited the United States. I thought they were absolutely stunning. I decided that if I could find a excellent specimen I definitely wanted to have one,.I discussed the possibility with my good friend Carine and we deliberated how nice it would be if we could import a nice dog and introduce a good example of the breed in the Netherlands Because we are both in different breeds, Carine has Papillons and I myself Boston Terriers, we decided to call my friend Mr. Allen Buckner to help us in order to find a good Afffenpincher. Beeing a well respected judge Mr. Allen Buckner has much expertise and great knowledge of the available top breeders in the United States.
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Jus naturel Eoah Exofruimad, Jus de fruits 100% naturel de Madagascar | eoah
Les jus de fruits Eoah sont 100% pur jus naturel sans colorant ni sucre ajoutés, fabriqué par Exofruimad à Madagascar. Nous proposons plus de 10 variétés de jus de fruits exotiques et tropicaux comme le jus de la passion, jus de corossol, tamarin, ananas, jujube, mangue, hibiscus, goyave, fraise.
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