Venelin and Temenuga are Bulgarian authors. They have an extensive 10 years experience in creating unique art designs and paintings. As a culmination of their creativity, they have combined their skills in pottery to create designer masterpieces worthy of admiration.
While drawing from the ancient Bulgarian cultural traditions they have made it possible for the practicality and craftsmanship to be combined in a single form for you to enjoy.
Their creations are sought after by collectors from all over the world, as far as Western Europe, China, Hong Kong, Russia and the USA.
Ven-art-tem.com ~
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산업기계, 자동차 부품 가공 전용기 전문 업체 티이엠 입니다.
tem,인발기,드로우벤치,drawbench,draw bench,broaching,교정기,2롤,straightener,면취기,브로칭,쉐이빙,드릴링
Tem-mc.com ~
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Portugal tem Talento
O programa consiste numa série de audições que ocorrem, não só perante o tradicional júri, mas também duma plateia de público em geral. A qualquer momento durante a actuação, o júri pode pressionar uma campainha, acendendo um grande X no palco. Caso todos os membros do júri pressionem a campainha, a actuação termina de imediato.
Portugaltemtalento.info ~
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