Jesus F Pena
Jesus F. Pena -- For the past ten years I have provided computer forensic services to law firms, accounting firms and federal agencies. Forensic services include evidence acquisition, evidence analysis and reporting utilizing state-of-the-art forensic software. In addition, I have provided both fact and utilities and expert witness testimony.
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Testifying Before Congress: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering
Testimony before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Associations,
Corporations, Military, NGOs, and State and Local Officials, by William LaForge,
from TheCapitol.Net
Testifying Before Congress: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Delivering Testimony before Congress and Congressional Hearings for Agencies, Associations, Corporations, Military, NGOs, and State and Local Officials, by William LaForge. Published by TheCapitol.Net. Non-partisan legislative, communication and media training and publications that show how Washington works. TM
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