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Tek Textil
When looking for performance fabric, choose a company that truly knows performance. We supply some of the biggest names on earth with cutting-edge fabric techonology, which results in high quality, high performace apparel that people simply love.
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TierraTextil.com Perú,Tejeduria,Asesorias Textiles,Consultorias,Confecciones,T-shirs,telas, telas planas, fibras, tintoreria textil, algodon, licra, polyester, moda, desarrollo de producto, uniformes, corseteria
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Kirchlechner Textil GmbH
Großhandel, Import und Export von Bettwäsche, Wolle, Filz und Geotextilien. Exklusive Handelsvertretung für OVATTIFICIO Olimpia, UAB Neaustima und Bioticking. Zielgruppen sind Großunternehmen, Großhändler, Objektausstatter, Hotels, Krankenhäuser uvm.
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