Val's Auto Network
Vals Auto Network is a car dealership that has been providing the area with top notch vehicles and service for over a decade! We sell great vehicles starting as old as the 90s all the way up to current year cars! We buy our cars and motorcycles off of national auctions, repair them with state of the art tools and equipment, and re-sell them at much lower prices than they should be! We can even sell our cars on payments, as long as half of the cars value is payed as the down payment! Our owner, Val Gruzdov, is a great person to deal with and has a great attitude towards his work! So if you are interested, stop on by and reward yourself with a great and beautiful car!
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Eventi In Movimento è la sinergia fra un gruppo di professionisti del mondo dello spettacolo grazie alla quale viene studiato l’”evento” più adatto per ogni tipo di situazione, “muovendosi” fra i vari generi d’intrattenimento (cabaret, mimo, magia, musica, canto, danza).
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