UniGroup, Inc. | Relocating People | Transporting Products | Managing Projects
UniGroup, Inc., founded in 1987, is the parent company of United Van Lines, Mayflower Transit and other subsidiaries which support the worldwide operations of these two leading household goods transportation companies. Allegiant Move Management, providing technology and personalized service to manage the transportation of household goods. Vanliner Group, Inc. providing specialized insurance coverage for movers. Total Transportation Services, Inc. sells and leases rolling stock and movers' supplies. UniGroup Worldwide, Inc., a global mobility management company. SAM - store and move, providing portable storage containers for residential and commercial use.
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Intermodal Containers, Ocean Containers Transporting- Chief's Trucking Co., Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky
Chief's Trucking Company has been transporting intermodal, hazmat, triple sliders, flipping boxes, transload, bar stockcontainers in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky since 1982.
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