The International Tax Planning Association
The ITPA is a multi-disciplined organisation consisting of over 1000 bankers, trust officers, finance directors, accountants & lawyers with a practical interest in the tax aspects of cross-frontier transactions.The object of our Association is to disseminate and exchange information about international tax planning. This we do in three ways - through our meetings, through our publications and via the internet. Between meetings, Full Members receive the ITPA News. This is published three times a year and contains (among other things) a summary of the proceedings of the last meeting, the program, and booking forms for the next two. We examine our subject from the view of the taxpayer; our rules exclude from membership employees of tax departments. We were founded in 1975 and are the only association devoted solely to the study of this subject.
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Atom Days is a history of the nuclear age including early atomic physics, the manhattan project, the nuclear arms race, nuclear industry accidents and nuclear weapons proliferation.
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