Read the acclaimed book INNOVATION: The Key to Prosperity, by Aris Melissaratos & N.J. Slabbert, which diagnoses America's economic meltdown as the result of a failure of scientific commitment and technological nerve. Nanotechnology, nuclear research, energy science, biotechnology, maglev transportation, the Knowledge Economy and the impact of Internet technology on civil society are concisely summarized in this easy-to-readlandmark work, praised by US National Medal of Science Laureate and former US National Science Foundation Director Dr. Rita Colwell and other experts. Essential reading. Highly recommended. :Superb. Read about other Montagu House publications and the Truman Group's library of articles and papers on major thinkers ranging from Saskia Sassen and Jane Jacobs to Buckminister Fuller, George Orwell, Lewis Mumford, Jorges Luis Borges, John Ruskin, Milton Friedman, Arthur C. Clarke, Laurens van der Post and John Dewey, and issues ranging from job creation to geopolitics and globalization.
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Truman & Associates
pretrial and post trial jury research, including focus groups, mock trials, prospective juror questionnaires, post trial interviews, witness preparation, and other strategic trial research
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Truman High School
Truman High School is a high school website for Truman alumni. Truman High provides school news, reunion and graduation information, alumni listings and more for former students and faculty of Truman in Independence, Missouri
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