MB Personnel and Screening, Ltd. A job recruitment and placement services that includes skills testing, on-site consulting, resume filtering, career management, reference checks, and more...HR staffing recruitment is our specialty Mbpersonnelandscreening.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Clinical Retention Solutions provides comprehensive, cost saving consulting solutions and strategies aimed at helping hospitals and the Healthcare industry manage their nursing workforce to reduce nurse turnover and improve nurse retention. Does your hospital want to achieve Magnet status? Is your hospital having a problem sourcing, training and retaining qualified nurses? Are you overspending on agency nurses, travelers and overtime? Do you have a grasp of the actual costs associated with managing your nursing staff? Clinical Retention Solutions offers a targeted and comprehensive nurse retention solution for combating the growing costs associated with nurse shortages and avoidable nurse turnover. By focusing on the actual reasons nurses leave your organization, CRS can offer a solution that can save your organization millions of dollars annually. Not only does CRS focus on the HR costs associated with nursing turnover, but we offer solutions focused on improving the quality of patient care and reducing length of stay and avoidable diversions. Clinicalretention.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check