Urine: 8,639 results found.
Nitrates In Urine
In a healthy human the urinary system is sterile. The presence of bacteria in the urine (bacteriuria) indicates that the pathological process hs started. Differentiation between true bacteria and bacterial contamination in vitro causes significant difficulties. Recently proposed methods of differentiation, based on the quantification of bacteria. If the infectious process involves the kidney or urinary tract, the concentration of microorganisms is usually above 105 million in 1 ml of urine. If the urine has been infected by contact with the external part of the urethra or external genitalia, the number of microorganisms rarely exceed 104 million in 1 ml. If the urine was obtained from the bladder using a catheter, then the sample is in a healthy person should be sterile or bacteria should be less than 105 million in 1 ml of urine. Significant bacteriuria suggests cystitis or pyelonephritis, which may be caused by microorganisms, listed hematogenous route or by ascending infection.
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cloudy urine
Reliable Med Info: Cloudy urine is the turbidity of urine; Urine Color: brown, red, white, dark or yellow; Urine Odor: with foul smelling; Causes: normal, foods, dehydration, UTI, STD, kidney stone, diabetes; Urine Composition: crystals, bacteria, blood, mucus, pus or cells.
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cloudy urine
Reliable Med Info: Urine cloudy is a common symptom with an appearance of turbidity and opacity of urine, which presents in women, children, men and healthy people, and also appears during pregnancy or in the morning.
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protein in urine
Reliable Medical Info about: What does protein in urine mean? Trace protein in urine: normal urine protein levels; High protein in urine: a sign of illness, that indicates the presence of kidney disease; Too much protein in urine: diagnosis for Nephrotic syndrome.
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