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Et Al Usage
Many words and expression in English language came from Latin source. Latin-Based English expressions like etc and et al are one of those. These are basically the abbreviations which people normally use in wrong context. People normally think that both the said abbreviations have same meanings and usage but actually it is not so. Both these abbreviations have different usages but before understanding this difference we have to understand the meanings of the both abbreviations. For example, etc stands for et cetera whereas the term et al means and others because it's Latin source is et alii which means and others. For going through the meanings of the both abbreviations, one may easily be deceived of the same meanings but there lies a small difference between the meanings of the both abbreviations which can be better understood with the help of an example. Et al usage means the usage of the term et al in English sentences for which we are going to have an example for better understating of its usage. ~
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Strategic Video LLC
Strategic Video LLC is a communications counseling and consulting firm that develops and produces corporate videos for internal and external audiences. Corporate Television Broadcasts, Satellite Media Tours, Video Primers, Live Events, Webcasting, VNRs, B-rolls, and Documentaries are a few of the solutions Strategic Video LLC creates for the worldís largest and most successful companies. ~
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Comma Usage
The comma, is a punctuation mark and it resembles an apostrophe or single closing quotation mark. Comma is mainly used in many languages as well as in contexts for separating the sentences or things. This punctuation mark is used to separate the elements in the grammatical structure of a sentence. It is used even in music theory to create a small interval in between two hormonic notes which are tuned in different ways. comma is a short clause which is less than a colon and is shaped as a small swipe especially at the bottom of the line. Comma usage according to few writers is used liberally while others use it sparingly. many writers today avoid using comma before and after ~
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