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Uzre: 8 results found. Insan Huquqlari uzre Ictimai Sura
Insan Huquqlari uzre Ictimai Sura  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check HOME - Leah S Designs
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AzerWeb is an Internet and Intranet web-site (on-line information system) developed to promote dialogue and information sharing within the humanitarian and commercial sectors of Azerbaijan. AzerWeb is maintained and operated by the Save the Children till January 2001, when it was devolved to Open Society Institute - Assistance Foundation Azerbaijan. AzerWeb was originally envisioned as the Azerbaijan component of the United Nation Department of Humanitarian Affairs (UNDHA) effort to expand ReliefWeb, an online information system. Discussions on the AzerWeb project began in early 1995 and included representatives from USAID, MC, SCF, UN Development and Relief Agency, IRC, RI, CARE, WV, UN and DHA. AzerWeb was designed to be utilized as a tool in strengthening the reliability and timeliness of information dissemination that supports the work of humanitarian and development agencies in Azerbaijan. Since most information found in AzerWeb is voluntarily supplied by the agencies themselves, sometimes augmented by data from other sources, OSI-AF does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the information nor does it necessarily endorse any view point that might be expressed by another organization.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Qebele Turizm ve Otelcilik uzre Pese Tedris Merkezi
qebeletedrismerkezi www əliyev qebele günü otelcilik turizm pese uzre tedris merkezi azərbaycan təhsil nazirliyi guse fondu edu gov beynəlxalq mart peşə ana ustalarımız qəbələ proqramları təhsili manitorinq səhifə rəhbərlik turizmi haqqımızda məqsədimiz ixtisaslar müəllimlərimiz dərs bdu ict ved əlaqə google  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Insan Huquqlarina Dair Beynelxalq Standartlarin Tesbiti Uzre Birge Isci Qrupu
humanrights dilinde səhifə ana haqqımızda biq qaynar üzvlərimiz nizamnaməsi əməkdaşlarımız xətt standartlarin insan qrupu dair jwg tesbiti beynelxalq isci huquqlarina birge uzre rss rus azerbaycan inglis işçi hüquqlarina beynəlxalq təsbiti üzrə birgə  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check ----KitabOxu.Com
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