VCPORA - Vieux Carre Property Owners, Residents and Associates, Inc.
Vieux Carre Property Owners, Residents, and Associates, Inc. (VCPORA) is an advocacy association dedicated to the preservation, restoration, beautification and general betterment of the Vieux Carre (also known as the French Quarter) in New Orleans, Louisiana.VCPORA promotes action for the protection of the Vieux Carre, monitors civic bodies and provides leadership at public gatherings, recommends legislation, educates the public on the importance of preserving the Vieux Carre as a historic neighborood.
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Environmental law, Baltimore, Michael Forlini, voluntary cleanup program, MDE, Underground storage tanks, non-tidal wetlands, solid waste, hazardous waste, pcbs, Superfund, CERCLA, RCRA, environmental permits, Piers, Army Corps of Engineers, UXO waste, Air permits, waste disposal, transfer stations, waste permits, EPA
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