Naturopathic Medical Physician - Doctor Wendy Wells, NMD - Scottsdale Arizona
Scottsdale Arizona Physician using acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, IV nutrition, counseling in order to effect change in the body, mind and spirit. Patients with fatigue, hypothyroid, hormone issues, obesity, addictions, chronic disease, fibromyalgia, Lyme's disease, autoimmune conditions, restless leg syndrome, arthritis, and chronic pain could benefit from our unique services.
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Home Lorrie Powell Studios Signs
Hip Signs for Cool Folks by Lorrie Powell Studios Handmade in America. Signs specializing in cool grandparent signs with surfers, hibiscus, daisy, bikers, bed and breakfast, fix-it shop, and retro designs. Themes include Beach, Outdoor Living, Gals, Guys, Bathroom, Household, Coffee, Humorous & Hilarious. As seen in Country Sampler Magazine.
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