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Verde te camino Verde - Por una movilidad sostenible...
La Campaña de Sensibilización Medio Ambiental sobre movilidad sostenible impulsada por la UNAF y subvencionada por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino ofrece un espacio virtual lúdico y educativo que permite a los/as usuarios/as conocer, experimentar y transmitir, de manera amena y divertida, un abanico de opciones que le impulsen a moverse por la ciudad de maneras más beneficiosas para el medioambiente y la salud de las personas y del planeta. ~
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This free book discusses gravitation, electricity, magnetism, and the nuclear forces.
It provides a model for the gravitational force that explains why our complex
solar system is the way it is. It explains how
electricity and magnetism works and the interaction of their force fields, which
allows mechanical energy to be converted to electric energy and vice versus.
It explains why the velocity of light is dependent upon its electrical and
magnetic properties, as well as adding to our understanding of many other
properties of light. It explains relativity in all forms in a three
dimensional world. It provides a model for the creation of all the force
fields and why they are self inducing. Download a PDF file of this book free. ~
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