Using the Wands of Horus
Pick up any book about Ancient Egyptian culture and take a close look at the statues of the pharaohs: you will see that they are all clasping cylinder-like objects in their hands. A story of the discovery of the true use of the Wands of Horus by accident, or some may say, by divine prompting.
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Ki Wands
A Zero Point Health Association Wand can help you release thoughts and emotions that do not serve your highest purpose. Once released, your cellular quantum field patterns will begin to improve the functioning of your physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. As you release your negative thoughts and emotions, and your quantum field patterns begin to improve, you will become more and more energized. Your body will better be able to achieve homeostasis and heal itself. A state of vibrant health and balance is the result.
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Crystal Wands - Healing wands, crystal wands - Rosewood Wands, Pocket Wands, Semi Precious Stick Wands, Solid wands, Cut spiral wands, Hooked wands, Chakra Jewelleries - pendants, rings earings, bracelets & necklaces, Crystal Sticks, Metaphysical articles, Dowsers - Pune, India
We have a greate range of healing wands - rose wood wands, Himalayan crystal wabds, Metal wands - copper tube wands, sterling silver wands, brass wands, Semi precious stick wands, Cut spiral wands, Hooked wands. We are also experts in making Chakra Jewelleries - Pendants, rings, earing, bracelets, necklaces
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