PH-WEBNET: Business domain for Paula Hendricks, eBusiness consultant, entreprenuer specializes in marketing, relationship management, advertising, branding.
Paula Hendricks is an eBusiness strategic consultant. She has been successfully involved in early eCommerce, early profitable eBusinesses, web site development, classic packaged good marketing, strategy development (business, marketing, advertising, branding, relationship management). In addition, she has worked in this field for both bricks & mortar companies as well as dot com start ups. Paula Hendricks writes about technology and the Web, and is a fine art b/w photographer.
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Webnet Backup
Webnet Backup est un service de sauvegarde offrant la scurit pour vos donnes, une grande capacit (jusqu' 200 Gb) et des prix dfiant toute concurrence. Le programme d'affiliation vous offre la possiblit de gagner de l'argent.
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