Our story so far...
A literal snapshot of Sean and Nicoles lives together so far. Since meeting in London and travelling through Europe, they have moved to Australia to begin their exciting journey together as husband and wife.
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Die Seelenheilerin Apan Lhamo, ihre Herkunft, ihr Wirken, ihre Möglichkeiten, dir zu helfen, dich selbst zu finden und heil zu werden, in deiner Ganzheit, als heiles, heiliges Wesen, Teil des Universums, verbunden mit allem Sein. Sie unterstützt dich auf deinem Weg zu dir selbst, auf dem Weg, deine innere Seelen-Tafelrunde zu erkennen, anzuerkennen, deine Kraft freizusetzen und dadurch Freiheit zu erlangen
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Intricate Perspectives - Connecticut Nature Photography by Sharon L. (Holt) Werth
Nature is all around us and is often taken for granted. Through my photography, I strive to show nature in a different light, encouraging my audience to become more in-tune with the world around them. My photography combines simple sophistication with a child-like fascination with nature.
Thank you for exploring my galleries, and I invite you to check back often. Please feel free to e-mail me if you would like more information about any of my work.
Sharon L. Werth
Intricate Perspectives
• When you place an order, you will see that I have set a 7 day "proof delay." I actually process most orders in approximately 2 days and then the order is sent to the printer.
• Prints and some assorted items are available for order on this website. For greeting cards and framed pieces, please e-mail me for details.
All photos are © Sharon L. Werth (Intricate Perspectives) and may not be used in any way without my written permission.
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