Martha Stewart Photography
Martha Stewart is a photographer in the Boston/Cambridge area. She does assignments for Harvard, takes portraits of professors, authors and people in the academic world, covers area events, does the cover shots for Construction Journal. She photographs wildlife as well, and has travelled to the Antarctic Peninsula, the Ross Sea, the North Pole and the Galapagos Islands.
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Ojai Valley Whale Society
The first fossilized 25,000,000 year-old toothed baleen whales, an entirely new genus on face of the earth, discovered in California on 1/19/2000 by Aaron Plunkett, acoustic biologist/ethnic percussionist and founder of the Ojai Valley Whale Society, a paleo-anthropologic and socio-cultural C3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating and sharing the ancestry of the world and preserving, exhuming and re-creating whales', Wendell & Louie Plunkettsaurus. Pictures, media archives and personal accounts of this most amazing discovery.
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Sealife Experience Tasmania boat tours, cruises and charters to the highest dolerite sea cliff coast in the southern hemisphere. Eco tours into sea caves, Tasmans Arch, Devils Kitchen and Tasmanian coast lines. The Totem Pole, The Candlestick, Waterfall Bay, Cape Hauy, Fortescue Bay, Tasman Island, Cape Pillar, Port Arthur, Bruny Island, Maria Island, Marion Bay, Hobart, Tasman Sea and Southern Ocean. See The Tasman Island Lighthouse and learn about our marine wildlife, seals, dolphins, humpback whales, southern right whales, orca, albatross, fairy penguins and giant kelp forests. Tasman Wildlife Tours run nocturnal eco tours including Penguin Watching and Spotlighting tours searching for wombats, echidna, kangaroo, wallaby and Tasmanian Devils are run nightly.
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