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Wurfl: 438 results found.

tera-wurfl.com Tera-WURFL - Mobile Device Identification
Tera-WURFL detects mobile device capabilities (cell phones, PDAs, BlackBerrys, iPhones). These capabilities include everything from ringtone formats to screen size to java/j2me support. Based on the WURFL project, Tera-WURFL uses PHP and MySQL to provide an extremely high performance database-driven WURFL solution. Current releases include support for xml web services, caching, patching, guided installation, sanity checking and one-thouch updates from the WURFL site. Great for redirecting mobile visitors, determining streaming video capabilities and detecting supported ringtone formats.
Tera-wurfl.com  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
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celljam.net celljam.net - pywurfl
Software by Armand Lynch
Celljam.net  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
mobiledevicebrowser.com Mobile Device Browser - Search and Compare Mobile Devices by Features and Capabilities
Search for mobile phones and other mobile devices by their supported capabilities. Powered by the WURFL database.
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1stincentivetravel.com First Incentive Travel :: First Incentive Travel specializes in meetings, incentives, convention and event planning
First Incentive Travel is specialized in creative incentive and meeting planning throughout the USA. Whatever the purpose of the trip, our commitment is to provide you with exceptional service during the preparation and execution of any group travel. With our headquarters based in Orlando and franchise offices in New York and San Francisco, we are able to assist you with multilingual, trained and experienced staff that has excellent knowledge of major US destinations, the market and current developments.
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Similar Sites: firstincentivetravel.com - firstincentivetravelinternational.com
mobiledevs.com Smartphones and PDAs — MobileDevs
A comprehensive resource for technical details on mobile phones, PDAs and similar wireless devices.
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huria.com Huria - Accueil
Huria, le CMS Mobile opensource
Huria.com  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
Similar Sites: huria.fr
uaprof.com UAProf, User-Agents, Mobile devices
User-Agent and UAprof details for a large collection of mobile phones, updated regularly.
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Similar Sites: uaprofs.com
wapjournal.net WapJournal
Мобильный блог, где можно вести свой журнал, комментировать и читать блоги друзей.
Wapjournal.net  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
waplancer.ru WapLancer - удаленная работа в wap. Ваплансер - фриланс в мобильном интернете. Поиск работы и специалистов.
Поиск удаленной работы в wap для программистов, дизайнеров, копирайтеров и оптимизаторов. Возможность создать свое портфолио.
Waplancer.ru  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
websiteholistics.com Home - Web Site Holistics
Web Site Holistics. Milwaukee area Google Apps, TYPOlight, TYPO3, Magento, mobile, content copy and SEO discussions and tips.
Websiteholistics.com  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  

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