溫哥華 燕園教育中心 大溫 補習 數學, 物理, 化學, 英文, 補習班, 超前班, 強化班, 講座,
Elite(Yan Yuan) Education Centre is a leading private tutoring school in Greater Vancouver, founded in 1997 by Dr. Shen. Elite education focus on improving students learning ability and interest, thereby achieving their outstanding school grades. We offer courses in math, physics, chemistry, science, biology, English and Mandarin. Courses are taught in English in small classes of a few students. Classes are divided into regular and enriched levels, to meet the needs of different students . Instructors are experienced, with high academic degrees. The Principal Dr. Shen is a well-known educator. The school holds seminars and workshops on a regular basis, topics covering the provincial examinations, areas of study in universities, etc. The school has two branches, one in Metrotown, Burnaby; and the other in Richmond - 燕園教育中心是一所位于大溫地區的著名私立補習學校,由沈乾若博士創立于1997年,以補習數理化和英文為主。本校教學著重于開發學生智力,奠定堅實基礎。課程有數學、物理、化學、科學、生物以及英文、漢語等。根據學生程度和需要,以上課程又分為理科超前班,強化班,預修班,省試短訓班,競賽班,AP/IB、英文綜合班、文法班,寫作班,成人英語速成、小學課后輔導等。燕園師資學歷高,經驗丰富。校長沈博士更是享譽大溫的數理名師。學校經常舉辦各種講座,介紹省試,升學,子女教育等。兩處校址:鐵道鎮和列治文。
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