MicroGravity.com provides information and tools on microgravity, i.e., weightlessness or zero gravity. The purpose is for the advancement of research, commercialization and education on microgravity and related fields including space research and commercialization. Info will be provided on microgravity related advancements by NASA, European Space Agency, International Space Station, and the space programs of Russia, China, India, Japan and private companies.
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iWALK recovery center, Hocoma, ZEROG, walking, rehabilitation, walk again, lokomat, ness, l300, smart, balance master, split-belt, treadmill, walk, bioness, sheltering arms, inpatient, outpatient, locmat, Zero G, bionic leg, richmond, va, virginia, t
Sheltering Arms Physical Rehabilitation Centers provide a complete range of physical rehabilitation and total wellness services throughout the Richmond, VA, area.
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Welcome to Fly USA Corporation - Flying Adventures
Zero G, Flying Adventures, Fighter Jet, Marcello Quege, FLY USA, No Gravity, Parabolic Fly, ZeroG, Video Production, Transportation, Miami Limo, Miami
Flyusacorp.com ~
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Space Travellers ® - Space Business & Space Tourism
Bringing Space to Earth! Space is our new frontier. With us it is reachable and touchable and will enhance your life with many new experiences, too! Our company, SPACE TRAVELLERS - the first commercial Space Agency of the world, will give you new insights and wíll create new feelings. We are focussed on special events concerning of flying and being in space. For private customers as well as for corporate clients. You would like to fly a supersonic jet to feel the g-forces? Absolve an astronauts training-scheme whilst feeling the weightlessness? Discover extraordinary places where other humans explore the secrets of space? If you dreamt about the aforementioned points since your childhood, then there is no need to worry, because nowadays nothing´s impossible: With us, dreams will become reality!
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